Varlam Shalamov

Authors catalogue

Sarah J. Young

Sarah J. Young is a slavist, with a Ph.D in Russian literature, currently serving on the BASEES committee as secretary and literature and culture conference stream co-organiser. British representative of the International Dostoevsky Society.

Fourther information about her can be found on

  • Sarah J. Young Shalamov's Symbolism. Rebirth from Kolyma? Shalamov’s Cosmology of Alienation

  • “For Shalamov, the result is the fractured form of his short story collections, where recurring incidents, characters and images undermine the stability of the text through constant shifts of meaning. For the reader, it leads to an acknowledgement of the inability truly to comprehend and share the horror of that experience; we, thankfully, perhaps, must remain alienated from it, and the snake, coiling around the stories, stands, finally, as an image not only of that world and its recreation in narrative, but also of the alienated reader”.